Monday, October 26, 2015

Celtic Graveyard

Celtic Graveyard

For this project we were allowed to create any kind of civilization and turn it to ruin and try to tell a story of how that civilization came to their destruction. I wanted to do something out of the norm and have a supernatural reason for the civilization to be in ruin. What better place than a creepy church?

 I first started out grabbing reference and made an art board of the different pieces I found.

The next thing I did was create a grey boxing of the entire scene. I wanted the church to be the main focus so I perched it up on a hill with a small pathway to the graveyard. 

After that I started working on assets. The church was the main focus so it got a lot more attention to detail.

These are the final shots after everything was completed. The major challenges were scaling the assets to fit correctly and then filling the spaces between the assets. The rocks added in were standard ones in UE4 and the foliage is from a free pack I found on UE4's forum. One thing I couldn't get to work correctly were the decals. In order to show disturbance in the trail from the church through the graveyard I wanted a few scratches and spectral trail from a summoned entity.